Wednesday, May 12, 2010

End of the year

It's almost the end of the school year and everything is getting more and more packed and frustrating. Students are slacking on work or they are stressed with finishing work. Many are cramming for the finals or getting ready to fail.

Students think that the end of the year is the time for slacking off and that they'll get the good grades they have whether they do the work or not, but they are sadly mistaken. The exact opposite happens. I'm not saying that every student thinks like this but some do. It might be common sense to know that they aren't going to get the good grade that they have now if you don't do the work, but some people don't know or forget common sense.

This is why most student are stressed out with finishing all the homework they just got or got months ago and projects teachers give them when it's near the end of the year. They want to have good grades for whatever their parents say they'll do when their child gets decent grades or so they don't have to retake a class again.

The end of the year is a sad and happy time for students. Seniors are either happy they are leaving high school to go to college or they are sad that they are leaving and are going to different colleges than their friends. They are also scared of what will happen in college (like I talked about in my pervious blog: the Future).
Students younger than seniors are happy that summer vacation is almost here or they are sad about leaving school, because they liked this year and hate that more kids younger than them are coming. You'll be surprised how many teens hate kids.

Some friends are leaving to other schools or another state. Which is another sad part about the year ending.
And that maybe next year they won't have that much classes with their friends or no classes with them.
Most students have become content with their school life right now and are sad that it's going to change. But some are probably happy with it changing.

The end of the school year is an emotional and stressful thing in a teenagers life. They have to deal with more changes, finals, and their emotions getting the best of them.

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