Friday, May 7, 2010


Labeling is like stereotyping, but catagorizing them either goth, cutter/"emo", scene, ganster, loser, nerd, hippie, bad curse names, etc. Labeling, I would say, comes before stereotyping. It leads into the stereotypes of "what you are."

You just can't express yourself without someone labeling you as whatever your appearance looks like to them. It gets annoying and sometimes it brings in bullying. People expect you to hang out with "your kind."

Both labeling and stereotyping seems the same, but they really aren't, they have some differences.

For example, some says:
"Oh my gosh. Look at her she's such a goth [labeling]. Those are ugly baggy pants and way to much dark make up. She probably goes to her room and like talks to ghosts and writes in her diary who she hates and wants to kill [stereotyping].

"Look, there she goes again. She's so emo [labeling], I mean like come on get over yourself. She probably goes to the corner of the room and cuts herself [stereotyping]. It's most likely that she has cuts all over her arms."

You see the difference a little. Labeling goes into the stereotyping, but it doesn't go into detail like stereotyping. Stereotyping goes deeper into poeple's lives, while labeling only catagorizes you into how you look/dress.

Also, yes most high school students are that mean like in my examples. Most students are selfish and inconciderate.

You see? I'm labeling students as selfish and inconsiderate. Just like stereotyping it's inevitable. It's something we can't control. Sure we can bottle it up but we can never stop labeling people as they look.

Like I typed earlier, no one can be themselves or even express themselves without some person gudging them.

High schoolers have a major inpact on this. People think of free speech and blurt out something rude about how the other acts looks and labels and stereotypes them without thinking of how the other will feel.
Grown ups label and stereotype as well but they are more mature and considerate, and so they keep their opinion and comments to themselves.

High schoolers have to face these harsh and useless labels that are said to them and the mean comments the some times come after the label.

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