Monday, May 10, 2010

The future

Most high schoolers are totally stressed and scared about the future. They wonder what college they'll get into, where they'll work, and if anything will work out.

Students tend to stress themselves out with all the work they are doing and all the things they are balancing. They want something good to happen to them, which explains their actions. Some also need to save money for whatever they want to do in the future.

Many don't know what they want to do in the future and they're scared of what will happen. There are also many that know what they want and are trying to accomplish them. And there are the ones that don't care, they live in the moment, living care-free until it's the right time to worry.

Looking more into it, people that aren't sure about the future and that are scared of their unsurement are stressing out on what to do and what will happen. They aren't sure if they want to go to college and if they do they don't know which college to go to or if they can afford it. They don't know what they want their career to be or what they will become in the future. Or that they will become what they wanted to be.

For the students that do know what they want their future to be and are attempting to accomplish it are working their butts off to see their perfect future happen. Hence, stressing themselves with so much to balance. They are sure and they are determined, but they still have worries to deal with like if-again- if they have enough money for the right college, if their current job gives enough money to support you, some careers have competition, and if they can pass and handle college studies.

Students that don't have any idea and don't care about their future yet are the either the goof-offs or the ones that do great in school but just live in the moment. they don't dwell in the past or future. They are down to earth. They let things happen naturally not forcing or even letting it go out of control. Their worries though are the same as for the ones that know and don't know what to do. College is a big deal and what you'll turn into, but for them it's not attacking them as hard or at the moment.

Students have a lot or pressure and decisions they have to face in the near-by future. Whether they want to succeed in their dream future or make their future a new.

The future is indeed scary and unreachable, but you just need to relax and do the best you can- if not better. Just do good in school and take care of yourself and make the right choices in life.

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