Friday, April 30, 2010


In high school, teachers pack you with a lot of homework. And when you are taking honors programs then you barely get a life from all the homework they give you.

Some teachers have due dates and won't accept your work afterwards (or at least gets points off), stressing some kids out when they're trying to get the work done.
Then there are the teachers that don't have short due dates and accepts it anytime before the school year ends.
This makes most kids slack off, stressing themselves do the work at the last minute.

And like I said earlier some teachers give you a lot of work to do over the weekend, forcing you to some times cancel events that would make you not complete the work.

As homework comes along, teens plan on copying work from one another- to save time. Then some teens don't even do the work because they don't care about school or their education.

Homework as a lot of hate against it from kids, with all the stress and waste of time it has on them.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


There are so many kinds of friends that you could be friends with in high school. All you have to do is pick the ones that you think would be good friends and fun to be with.

A lot of kids complain about their friends; like how they're not good enough and how they don't live up to your expectations.

Some be friend people out of pity. Others just don't have friends. But most are very okay with their friends now.

Some tips for you is to get lower expectations and that its your fault for picking the friends you have now. And hey there might be a reason why fate wanted you to be friends.

But if you don't have friends, then I suggest you act nicer and not so shy and start talking. I know it's hard but it'll be worth it.

But if you are anti-social, well... Keep doing what you want to do.

Talking more about friends, there are the kinds of friends that are bad influences. Putting pressure on their other friends to do drugs, have sex, and drink alcohol- just doind bad thing in general when they are not ready to do these experiences.

Then there are the ones that are uptight ones. Most hold you back from living life- from exploring new things. The uptight ones are sorta like the shy ones, they just don't want to do anything outrageous.

There are also the bossy ones, causing their friends to feel lower than them and making them do as they say. Trying to control everything and be the leader.

There are the hypocritical ones. Ones that just do something to you that you would never do to them that you know would anger them, but yet they still do it to you whether you like it or not.

And last there are the good friends. For most people it's hard finding the perfect friend, but they sometimes find a decent one that fits your dream friend. Good friends care about you, support you, are there for you, make you laugh and truely smile, and that you can tell anything to them and they won't judge (at least as much as usual people would).

You probably thought I forgot one other friend, the best friend.
To me that's not really a type a friend. It's a stereotype. You just picked a friend or friends and labeled them your best friend(s), triumphing over the rest of your friends. They are the same as good friends, but you just trust them more and hang out with them more.

Making friends and finding the right ones are a hard obstacle in high school. Teens will never stop judging whether they want to or not. Teens are arrogant and ignorant. It's hard when you are being judged from your appearance and the way you walk/act.

High school is just another obstacle in trying to socialize.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Teens curse a lot. Most at least.

Once they hit middle school the cursing starts, but it worsens when they reach high school. They hold it in when around adults when they start, but once it gets addicting they can't really control so much at times.

Some curse for fun, because it's "cool" and might make them seem mature. Others do it because they are stressed and pissed off. And alittle just don't curse at all.

I know parents don't want their kids to use all those rude curse words but it really is inevitable.

We all know where the curse words are coming from. Either from parents, public, movies/shows, friends, and books.

Cursing is a very bad habit to obtain and high school students curse constantly, because of all the words going around.

I'm not saying that cursing is good or anything, but it's sorta natural I'd say, because like I said before it's unadvoidable.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Electronics, such as: cell phones and ipods, are another major thing for teenagers. Teens are constantly texting or listening to music. You won't find a single teen not listening to music or texting. Or even checking their cell phones.

Cell phones are the common electronics that are taking over teen lives. Teens are either texting someone, tweeting on twitter, online, taking pictures, and/or calling someone.

During class they get online, text, and/or tweet. And sometimes they get away with listening to music.

Teens can not live a whole day (if not weeks) without their cell phones or ipods.

Computer and TVs are just taking over everyone, so I don't need to discuss those factors, but just to make it clear, no one can take a week without the electronics we have now.
Especially teens.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


High school is wear appearances count the most (minus hollywood). Kids have to look the best (if not decent), because if they don't they will be picked on.

This is another peer pressure situation. Kids want to be accepted and to be noticed, hense making them want top be in the latest fashion trend.

Kids aren't comfortable with themselves, so they put all these kinds of make ups and clothes that will make them stand out but at the same time help them fit in.

Some kids think that they'll be loved if they look the part in the "in" crowd. So they spend a ton of money on clothes that might not be in next month or so.

What kids don't understand yet is that they don't need to feel loved just by looking good but by their peronalities.

People that be friend people if they are gorgeous makes them shallow and lonely. They have no idea how to be loved or to love someone from what they truely are, not by what they look like.
This concludes that people are ignorant.

Fashion is a major problem in schools, but mostly in high schools. Causing teen lives to be more complicated.

Monday, April 19, 2010


There are so many kinds of parents to keep track of. There are the abusive kind, the over-protective, foster parents, step-parent(s), etc.

What I want to talk about are the actions that they try to involve with their kids. All parents love their kids. Even if they don't show it, you should know that deep down they love you. They just need to realize it themselves to show it.

Some parents try not to let you do the same mistakes like they did when they were your age. But the thing that they might not know is that they are guiding our paths wrong. They have the best intentions, but their parenting is not the best.

I was talking about this in my drama class, after watching The Breakfast Club.

And my friend (I'll try to quote him) says: "Kids are like fishes in a river. They try to go up the river, while the river is going down. And the river are the parents. Pushing us the way they want us to go, while we (the fishes) try to go against it." It was something like this, but it was really deep.

Kids shouldn't completely deny their parents but listen to themselves as well as their parents.

It also depends on how the parents act. Like if they are abusive, it's right to completely ignore them and deny them. Their way in raising a child is completely wrong.
Hurting a child is not the way to go. It messes them up and they don't act any better than they are raised.

Parents are just as ignorant as kids. Everyone needs to see that and do something about it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day of Silence

As if you haven't heard from the title, it's the day of silence. The day of silence is devoted to gays, lesbians, transgenders, and bisexuals; to cause awareness to those that lost their lives and the ones that can't say who they are.
It's sad that a lot of people have lost their lives because of bullying, being ignored, and just being rejected. It's rare but a few kids either 12 or 13 have taken their own lifes, because they were accused of being gay or they were and they couldn't find another peaceful way to stop that hate towards them.

Here's a story about an 11-year-old boy that took his life away because of anti-gay bullying:

Not much people now hide their sexuality, but it's probably taken them awhile to open up.
This is another complication in some teenagers' life- not speaking out.

Parents, friends, teachers, and classmates make it hard for some people to open up, afraid of being rejected and or humiliated. And getting their lives taken away fro being who they are.

I know we can't stop the hate, but we can at least surpress it enough to help the ones dealing with the change.

Just have to say: Get over yourself! The world doesn't revolve around you.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Food choices

When you're a teen you are constantly eating. Teens can practically eat anything that they want, if of course, it's okay with their bodies.

It's mostly that the teens don't eat healthy foods as much as they should. All they mainly eat are junk foods. This helps being lazy and becoming obese.

Kids now snack during class, eat at lunch, or not at all during school. Some kids don't even have breakfast.

Teens need their nutrition, protein, and other healthy foods to stay active, looking fit and well and healthy; also if they don't want to faint in front of a crowd and become grumpy.

A lot of teens eat constantly, they need to stop eating frequently and to go outside and play. Many even pay a lot of money spending their money on foods, like: fast food places, candies, and vending machines.

Some times kids eat, because they are either bored or depressed. Teens are ignorant. they need to see their limits and the consequences in their choice of foods. They follow what the body desires (which is mostly fat food products) and not what they should also being eating at points, like: fruits and vegitables.

Drinks are also something that should be looked at.

Drinking a lot of water a day can help the body. Sodas can't. Milk will bring you strong muscles. Energy drinks won't. Fruit juices can give you vitamins. Coffees can't do much. A lot of tea can be bad.

Keep hydrated, sodas and energy drinks aren't good sources that can keep you hydrated for a long time.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Break Up part 2: After

Coming back to the drama of break ups, I want to talk more about the after-matter.

Some teens, after the break up, are still hung over their ex. Wanting to get back together or wanting to be friends with benefits. They are obsessed with keeping that one person stay in their life and not letting go.
This feeling is some times for both people- the dumper or the dumpee. And some times for all the situations.

On the other side, the rest of the teens that are dumped are just pissed off. They want nothing to do with their exes, they never want to see them ever again, or they want to ruin their life until they move- which, to me, is very childish.
While the dumpee is pissed, the dumper is either relieved or they feel guilty for hurting them. And there's the possibilities of feeling scared of what will happen next or that they rather don't care about what the dumpee will do or how they feel; they just want to move on.

On another hand, their are some couples that agree that "it isn't working out" and to just stay friends or not to bother each other anymore. Couples that are on good terms and that don't want to get into that kind of break up drama.
People that can move on and not take it seriously.

One situation is that both the exes are angry with each other and want the other to live in hell.

There are probably more after-matters I didn't mention. But these are just the major common ones that happen.

I hope this clears up the situations of break ups that teens have to deal with.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Drama of a Break up

One thing to be most aware of about a teenager, is their love life. There is enough drama that is involved to lose comtrol of oneself.

One thing I want to talk about first is the breaking up part and how tragic it is for both parts. I'm not talking about the on-off relationship kind,- which are very annoying and meaningless to me- but I'm talking about the "That's it. It's over" kind.
Some of these tragic break ups are from long distant relationships, serious relationship, and/or your first boyfriend/girlfriend.

All around me I hear about people breaking up and/ or thinking about it.

I wanted to talk about break ups because a close person I know just broke up with her first boyfriend and she regrets it because she still likes him and is thinking about going back out, but he's not sure if he wants to go back out with her.
The thing is he wasn't doing anything romantic with her. She felt like she was still just friends with him, like nothing changed. But she finally admits that she hasn't been doing anything either.

This probably happened to so many people. There's so much drama that either the boy or girl is annoying their friends about the break up and doesn't know what else to do.

Then there's the fact of planning the break up.

Most break ups don't go as planned. Some are so hurtful that they can't be finished.
The result of break ups are a handful and some times both people get lost in what to do next.
Break ups are not easy and they are some times serious, like cheating, abuse and breaking up after having sex- either from getting what you want or leaving because the girl is pregnant.

What teens have to look out for are the mistakes that could happen in a relationship. Teens get too attached and they lose control once it's over. There's so much drama that they can break down you and your friends.

I'll probably come back to this topic, since there is loads to talk about.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Every now and then, teachers or the district makes us take a test. Either for writing, reading, language, or math.
Students freak out because they either haven't studied hard enough, remember what they studied, or haven't studied at all- you forgot or was simply lazy.

I have advice for all three of these situations.

Those of you that haven't studied enough or don't remember, I'd recommend that you relax and do the best you can, because once you relax you can pay attention and remember what you need to know and pick the one that seems right.

But for those of you that didn't try to study, well... Good Luck. =P
Nah, just kidding. But giving advice to the ones that refuse to try is a little hard I'd have to say. Sure, the teachers that say,"Well you should have studied your lose." They are technically right, but they are also not doing their job. They have to teach the student and encourage them to at least try and remember what they have been learning.
But with that as the teachers say, they are also preparing you for the worst that could happen. Colleges, the teachers are much harder and expect more from you than high school teachers do.

But, aside from the last minute panic, there are times when you can re-take the test to get a better score. So, that is another reason to relax about. But for the district tests, those are tests that you can not re-take, well, for most.

Take advice from a person with experience.