Monday, April 19, 2010


There are so many kinds of parents to keep track of. There are the abusive kind, the over-protective, foster parents, step-parent(s), etc.

What I want to talk about are the actions that they try to involve with their kids. All parents love their kids. Even if they don't show it, you should know that deep down they love you. They just need to realize it themselves to show it.

Some parents try not to let you do the same mistakes like they did when they were your age. But the thing that they might not know is that they are guiding our paths wrong. They have the best intentions, but their parenting is not the best.

I was talking about this in my drama class, after watching The Breakfast Club.

And my friend (I'll try to quote him) says: "Kids are like fishes in a river. They try to go up the river, while the river is going down. And the river are the parents. Pushing us the way they want us to go, while we (the fishes) try to go against it." It was something like this, but it was really deep.

Kids shouldn't completely deny their parents but listen to themselves as well as their parents.

It also depends on how the parents act. Like if they are abusive, it's right to completely ignore them and deny them. Their way in raising a child is completely wrong.
Hurting a child is not the way to go. It messes them up and they don't act any better than they are raised.

Parents are just as ignorant as kids. Everyone needs to see that and do something about it.

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