Monday, April 26, 2010


Teens curse a lot. Most at least.

Once they hit middle school the cursing starts, but it worsens when they reach high school. They hold it in when around adults when they start, but once it gets addicting they can't really control so much at times.

Some curse for fun, because it's "cool" and might make them seem mature. Others do it because they are stressed and pissed off. And alittle just don't curse at all.

I know parents don't want their kids to use all those rude curse words but it really is inevitable.

We all know where the curse words are coming from. Either from parents, public, movies/shows, friends, and books.

Cursing is a very bad habit to obtain and high school students curse constantly, because of all the words going around.

I'm not saying that cursing is good or anything, but it's sorta natural I'd say, because like I said before it's unadvoidable.

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