Wednesday, April 28, 2010


There are so many kinds of friends that you could be friends with in high school. All you have to do is pick the ones that you think would be good friends and fun to be with.

A lot of kids complain about their friends; like how they're not good enough and how they don't live up to your expectations.

Some be friend people out of pity. Others just don't have friends. But most are very okay with their friends now.

Some tips for you is to get lower expectations and that its your fault for picking the friends you have now. And hey there might be a reason why fate wanted you to be friends.

But if you don't have friends, then I suggest you act nicer and not so shy and start talking. I know it's hard but it'll be worth it.

But if you are anti-social, well... Keep doing what you want to do.

Talking more about friends, there are the kinds of friends that are bad influences. Putting pressure on their other friends to do drugs, have sex, and drink alcohol- just doind bad thing in general when they are not ready to do these experiences.

Then there are the ones that are uptight ones. Most hold you back from living life- from exploring new things. The uptight ones are sorta like the shy ones, they just don't want to do anything outrageous.

There are also the bossy ones, causing their friends to feel lower than them and making them do as they say. Trying to control everything and be the leader.

There are the hypocritical ones. Ones that just do something to you that you would never do to them that you know would anger them, but yet they still do it to you whether you like it or not.

And last there are the good friends. For most people it's hard finding the perfect friend, but they sometimes find a decent one that fits your dream friend. Good friends care about you, support you, are there for you, make you laugh and truely smile, and that you can tell anything to them and they won't judge (at least as much as usual people would).

You probably thought I forgot one other friend, the best friend.
To me that's not really a type a friend. It's a stereotype. You just picked a friend or friends and labeled them your best friend(s), triumphing over the rest of your friends. They are the same as good friends, but you just trust them more and hang out with them more.

Making friends and finding the right ones are a hard obstacle in high school. Teens will never stop judging whether they want to or not. Teens are arrogant and ignorant. It's hard when you are being judged from your appearance and the way you walk/act.

High school is just another obstacle in trying to socialize.

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